Shatter-Resistant Security Glass Laminate

Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones

The transparent Shatter-Resistant Security Glass Laminate is one of our premier window & door glasses ultra-high security protection against; bomb explosion impacts, riot, mob, stone throwing, natural disaster etc. It is installed on any type of window/door glasses e.g; Building, vehicles, villas, military installations, ships, Airport etc to protect occupants against any kind of external attacks from any source.

Advantages of Shatter-resistant Security Laminate

• No blocking and gives you a very clear view of your glass.
• Protection against Light Weapons, Natural Disaster, Explosion, etc...
• No penetration on glass regardless of man-made or natural disaster.
• Life time endurance, 5 year minimum warranty
• Compatible cost against others material (Start from N119,000)
• Easy installation
•No renovation required

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Ultimate Protection

Never say Never

Be secured inside your vehicle or home with shatter-resistant film.

Explosion Impact

Bullet Impact

Film Roll/Carton

Shatter-resistant Film

Bulletproof Vehicles Doors Panels - become a hard target

Bulletproof Vehicle Door Panels

Level IIIA / III Bullet Resistant Panel Materials for Car door Armouring Features. The size could be fitted according to the actual required order (Maximus size is up to 120cm x 240cm)

* Bulletproof Panels is glued inside the door without drilling
* Protects against high-power rifles
* Affordable compared to other solutions (starts from N9.9M)

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Vehicle Bulletproof Curtain - Leave nothing to chance

Vehicle Bulletproof Curtains

Bulletproof Curtains are specially designed to Protect vehicle occupants against armed robbers and kidnappers attacks when on transits. Curtains are mobile and removeable in minutes. We also stock shatter-resistant security and Bulletproof Films for vehicle and home window glasses. The curtains are customized and pre-order. (Price starts from N5M)

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Graphene Liquid Armour - tougher than steel

Graphene Liquid Armour

Graphene is said to be a miracle material due to an abundance of beneficial properties. Even in it’s simplest form, a thin one atom thick substance, it is the lightest, strongest, thinnest material known to man. Product is a long lasting Nano protective Coating that features a High Gloss finish, Strong Hydrophobic effect, Anti-Grafitti, Anti-dust& mud, Scratch Resistance, Chemical Resistance, UV Resistance, Thermal Resistance, color restoration and self cleaning with water.

Graphene Liquid Armour Product is used to protect vehicle glasses especially the windshield against  impacts from human attacks. It is also used to coat vehicle body, pipelines/tanks, ship etc against rust. The liquid is black in color liquid when it is in the container. After curing, it will turn to a strong Graphene Protective materials protect the substrate permanent. (Price, from N120,000 per 100ML)

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