
Agent-X Group and it's subsidiaries companies, principally: School-X Cyber-Tech Ai Academy, offer a wide variety of specialist training designed to suit the needs of any client whether Government, Law-enforcement, Intelligence Agencies, Multi-National, Non-governmental, VIPs etc. We supply dedicated and specialised teams to train your personnel to the highest level of security,

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• Defensive and offensive tasks
• Tactical VIP Counter-terrorists Drivers Training
• Conventional Forces Training
• Advanced Anti-Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Strategies
• Special Forces selection, assessment and training
• Police and Paramilitary Training
• Basic and advanced RECON/RECCE training
• Intelligence and psychological operations training
• Humanitarian and disaster relief operations training
• Mine awareness/mine clearance training
• EOD/IED Mines in COIN
• BAC clearance and mine awareness training
• Maritime operations and maritime interdiction training
• Law-enforcement Drone Operations

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