invest in us

We need you to grow together

Become a proud co-owner of this future great company, grow with us as we source for funding amounting to N1.5 Billion Naira ($3M) in the next 48months to carry out unique innovations never seen in the Africa security community. You can invest in us by purchasing as little as N1,000,000 ($1,400) worth of company shares. Alternatively, you can also invest with as little as N50,000 ($50) and above with 10% monthly commission for a duration of 6months before final withdrawal. For more details, you can reach our investors team at: 

    We understand that investors are not only focused on what we achieve, but also how we achieve it. To compete and win, we must consider the broader needs of society, ensuring that we treat all stakeholders fairly and with respect while managing our business with integrity and fidelity. We are currently facing a global health, economic, security and terrorism crisis unlike anything we have ever experienced before.

 We are pleased we can contribute by supporting an efficient security operations of various law-enforcement agencies and enabling businesses to easily and cost-effectively protect their personnel and assets. And we are committed to delivering our services in a manner that is sensitive to impacts on our stakeholders.

Our current focus is on our: Anti-Puncture Self-Sealing Vehicle Tyres as Sole Distributors for Nigeria, 1st of it's kind in West Africa On-Demand Agents & Security Services Booking App, Law-enforcement Tracking Systems, Cyberwarfare capabilities, Tactical Escort Gears for Air, Land and Sea Operations, Light-weight Vehicle Bulletproof & Armoring Technologies where we believe we can have the most significant and immediate impact.

We’re testing special anti-kidnapping and ransom money tracking implantable chips programs & App Software and we’re deploying law-enforcement grade enterprise drones to improve surveillance and intelligence efficiency for security agencies, Military and Multi-Nationals. We are also evaluating all VIP Bulletproof vehicles. In addition, we are leveraging technology to increase efficiency and defensive posture in our routes, reducing terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and criminal surprise attacks on our clients and customers nationwide.

Social Our Values of Integrity, Safety, Customer Focus, Continuous Improvement, Engagement and Diversity & Inclusion guide the way we work and are the foundation of our brand and reputation. We live our value of Integrity through the choices we make and the actions we take every day. Our Code of Ethics, Global Security Regulation, and Statement on Whistle Blower Protection help ensure we operate responsibly, with ethical decision-making incorporated into everything we do.

We also recognize the power of fostering an inclusive workplace that is rich with diverse ideas and perspectives, so we are taking action to increase the diversity of our leadership team and workforce. Consistent with our Values, we want all of our employees male and female to feel respected, comfortable, protected and safe, and have equal opportunity for growth and development.

Our Board of Directors is responsible for advancing the interests of our shareholders by providing advice and oversight of the strategic and operational direction of the Company; overseeing the governance of the Company and the Company’s executive management, including the Chief Executive Officer; and reviewing the Company’s business initiatives, capital projects and budget matters. To do this effectively, the Company has established clear and specific Governance Guidelines for the Board (referred to as our Governance Policies) that, along with Board committee charters and our Code of Ethics, provide the framework for the governance of Agent-X.

We are committed to listening and learning from our investors about their expectations of leading companies as we shape and communicate our ESG priorities, and we seek continuous improvement to help ensure we execute a business model that adds value to society. Contact our Investor Relations team to engage.

Thank You
Timothy O. Avele, MD/CEO (on behalf of the Board of Directors)

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