The lab supports world-class intelligence and research by using the best and the most advanced technology

about cyber-x lab

Cyber-X Lab is our highly qualified and technology-driven R&D laboratory. Based in strategic locations in Nigeria, Cyber-X lab performs deep and continuous research in various cybersecurity fields. We integrate this research into our services, from the invention of innovative technology to the creation of novel intelligence. Cyber-X continuously invests to support the detection and analyses of vulnerabilities, malware and persistent threats, allowing organizations to effectively mitigate risk and defend themselves against sophisticated attacks no matter from which sources


Knowledge is the most value asset to any organization anywhere. Cyber-X conducts intelligence gathering from different channels to empower our customers to make the best decisions. The intelligence data is analysed. Indicators of compromise (IoC) are cataloged and stored. The lab continuously investigates the latest tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) related to attacks and threat actors using sophisticated intelligence community platform. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer is a timely adage.

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Applied Research

Cyber-X Lab analyse new attack methods and trends from real cyber attack data. We look at what the criminals are doing and why they are doing it. Research undertaken by Cyber-X Lab contributes to the success of our  engagements such as penetration testing, as well as enhancing the detection capabilities of our MSS and MDR solutions, protecting our customers against the latest threats including zero-day attacks. Our clients are informed within an hour of any malware released from any part of the world, including the actors behind it.

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